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Life Insurance can be one of the most important and valuable decisions you make towards protecting and planning for your loved one’s financial security. Every day, we help Canadians across the country to properly understand the life insurance market and simplify the process by providing options for your individual situation. we will provide you with one-on-one service giving you the most cost effective and beneficial options for you and your family, taking into consideration your age, health, family status and even economic situation. The Canada insurance policies fall under two categories i.e., term life insurance and permanent or whole life insurance. The whole life insurance is a permanent insurance scheme and the protection is given for the whole life of the insurer. It can build equity and have cash value. The premium rates are higher than the term life insurance and are more valuable in the long run. The term life insurance gets the coverage for a definite period of life.
The insurer is always having the peace of mind as he or she knows that if something happens to the insurer, the loved ones are not cheated or left with any debt or any financial burden. There might be certain incidents in life because of which a person has to re-evaluate and re-settle the financial goals
Why Is Life Insurance Important:
It covers your financial commitments
It permits your family to preserve their level of comfort
It covers death linked expenditures
It permits you to leave a legacy
It promises biz permanence
It completes life insurance coverage offered through your employer

Student Visa Plan
Congratulations on your continued education. The decision to study outside of your province or country of residence is a big one. Chances are good that you’ve got a lot on your mind. But don’t forget to think about your health coverage. Outside your province of residence, your provincial health care plan offers limited coverage for emergency medical care. StudentPlan from GMS helps fill those gaps helping you and your family feel safe so you can focus on your education. Student Plan (available to students under age 55) provides emergency medical coverage up to $2,000,000 with 17 comprehensive benefits including the cost of ambulance service, hospital rooms, treatment by a doctor, diagnostic tests an As an international student, you may not be eligible for any government coverage and the costs of medical and dental treatment, for people without Canadian health insurance plans, are expensive. While attending a Canadian academic institution, the last thing on your mind should be the high price of medical services, so be sure to add Travel Student Medical Insurance to your list of school supplies. d in-hospital drugs. As an option, the plan can cover multiple family members. You can also choose between four and 12 month coverage periods to suit your study terms. StudentPlan doesn’t stop at the classroom door. It also provides coverage for trips you may take while studying abroad. And because we know that student finances are tight, we’ve designed Student Plan with direct billing options to ensure that you aren’t left out-of-pocket for steep medical expenses.
You have until the 60th day of the new year (i.e. around March 1st) to contribute to your RRSP and lower your taxes for the previous year.
Monday - Friday
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Evenings by Appointment

Travel Insurance
Simply put, travel insurance is insurance that protects you financially from medical and other travel-related incidences that happen while you are out of your home province or the country. It can protect you for a day, a week, a month, six months, or longer.
Travel insurance policies come in many shapes and sizes to fit any type of trip, or multiple trips. They can provide coverage for just you, your entire family, or you and a travelling companion. Coverage categories include:
Medical emergencies
Non-medial plans for incidences related to trip cancellation, trip interruption and lost baggage
All-inclusive plans combining both medical and non-medical benefits
Do I Really Need Travel Insurance?
Whether you ask experienced travellers, the federal government or your provincial government, you will get the same answer: yes. All of them recommend some sort of protection when you are travelling outside of your home province. Your provincial health insurance has limits as to what it covers outside your home province and offers you very limited protection outside of Canada.

What is RESP? It is a special savings account registered with the Government of Canada to help you, your family or friends saving early your child’s education after high school. The money in the RESP will be invested so it can grow and earn interest. You will not be taxed on the interest, and your child can usually withdraw the money tax- free. Any money that you, your family or friends put in the RESP is also eligible for the Canada Education Savings Grant. The Canada Education Savings Grant could add up to $200 on the first $500 you save annually, and up to $400 on the next $2,000. Even savings of $5 a week can make a difference, especially when the Canada Education Savings Grant is added. That money will also earn interest over time. The sooner you start to save, the more your savings will grow. To be able to get your child a cover under RESP, a beneficiary must meet the following requirements:
Be a resident or Citizen of Canada
Social insurance number (SIN)
How Much Money Can You Save?
The maximum lifetime contribution limit per child is $50,000 while there isn’t any annual contribution limit. This implies that as per your budget, you can invest up to $50,000 in the plan. To encourage parents to invest funds in post-secondary education of their children as early as possible, the government of Canada has devised CESG plan.
CESG in a Glimpse:
Annual Grant: 20% of your annual contribution
Contribution Limit of Annual Grant: $500
Total Lifetime Limit per Saving (per Beneficiary): $7,200
Some provinces offer their own Grant programs in addition to CESG. The federal and provincial governments contribute the grants directly into the RESP, and these additions within your contribution can significantly increase your savings.
If your child doesn’t want to study further, how can you utilize the funds? If your child doesn’t wish to continue his post-secondary education, then you can:
Nominate a new beneficiary
Take back/withdraw the money
Transfer the funds into your RRSP account

Super Visa Insurance
From the year of 2011, Canada introduced a new long-term Visa. Now grandparents and parents of Canadian citizens can opt for the Super Visa. This visa stays valid for 10 years and allows a long-term stay for a period of 2 years without any renewal of status. An applicant should provide a proof stating that they have super visa insurance from a Canadian insurance agency and is valid for minimum one year. This insurance should cover at least:
Covers health care, hospitalization, and repatriation
A minimum coverage of $100,000
Is valid for each entry to Canada .
available for review by a port of entry officer
Guaranteed 100% Refund of Premium, if visa denied
In case if you decide to extend your stay for more than one year you need to purchase a new policy.
Total Family coverage
Deductible Discounts
Emergency Medical Facilities
Access to Professional Services
Coverage for Ambulance transfers
Coverage for emergency dental treatments
Benefits covering hospital expenses
Expenses related to death from covered medical
Travel benefits for coming back to homeland
Extra expenses for meals, hotel, phone calls and taxi due to medical emergency
Are you looking to get super visa insurance?. Contact me to know details about Super Visa Insurance

Visitors Visa Insurance
Are you visiting Canada anytime soon? Whether as a tourist or as an immigrant make sure that you and people accompanying you are covered under visitor Insurance to Canada travel Insurance. There are many tourists or Canadian visitors who think that they do not require visitors travel insurance. They believe that nothing will happen to them. But it has and is happening to many visitors across the country and the world. Visitors insurance makes you secure and worries free in Canada.
This insurance plan helps to protect visitors from unexpected expenses like sudden illness or accident. This insurance plan also covers other medical emergencies while traveling to Canada. It is crucial to know that Canadian government and healthcare system do not offer any free medical care for its tourists and visitors. Medical expenses in Canada are very high. Thus, without visitors insurance, to pay for medical bills and other expenses can be very financially taxing. To avoid such a scenario, it is advisable to protect yourself or your loved ones by purchasing this insurance plan when traveling to Canada So, what are you waiting for? Contact me to know more about visitors insurance, Medical Insurance and super visa Insurance now!.

A Registered Retirement Saving Plan, or RRSP, is a special type of investment account designed to help Canadians save for retirement. The main advantage of an RRSP account, as compared to a regular investment account, is the tax benefits it offers. For now, just know that the contribution made to an RRSP - which can be made up to a certain limit - are tax free and that the money within an RRSP can compound without your having to pay taxes on the gains.
1. Tax-Deferred Growth
All investments within an RRSP account grow tax deferred. In other words, any profits made on investments within an RRSP account in the form of interest, dividends or capital gains are not immediately taxable to you as income.
Note that there is a difference between tax deferred and tax free, however. RRSP investors do have to pay taxes on the profits in their RRSP, but this does not occur until the funds are withdrawn. Tax deferral remains a benefit because, in theory, income tends to be lower in retirement than in your peak earning years.
2. Tax Credits
The second major tax benefit comes in the form of a tax credit. What this means is that your taxable income is reduced by the amount you contribute - up to a certain point.
Annual Limit: 18% of eligible income up to $26,010
+/— any Pension Adjustment
+ Previous Contribution Room
Deadline: March 1st, 2018
Contributions above the overall contribution limit is subject to a 1% / month penalty 52000 life time over contribution limit(refer to CRA website)
A client’s contribution room can be found in their Notice of Assessment, CRA My Account (online), Notice of Reassessment, and T1028
In-kind contributions: capital gains most be declared, capital losses cannot be claimed. Current market value is used to calculate contribution amount.
What Are RRSPs?
A federal government tax-deferred savings program, designed to encourage Canadians to save and invest for retirement.
Benefits At A Glance
Investments inside an RRSP are tax sheltered
Contributions are tax deductible
Potential creditor protection (not including contributions made in past 12 months) Potential income splitting (Spousal RRSPs, RRIF income after age 65)
Spousal RRSPs
Contributions are tax deductible to the contributing spouse
Withdrawals are taxable to the annuitant except for spousal contributions made in the last three years (income attribution) - For exceptions to the “three year rule", refer to the CRA website
Spousal contributions can be made even if contributing spouse is over age 71, but annuitant must be age 71 or younger
Life Long Learning Plan
Maximum loan to yourself: $20,000 (up to $10,000 / calendar year) while enrolled in post-secondary education
Repay loan within 10 years
Unpaid payments become taxable income
TFSA Contributions TFSA contribution limits
When setting TFSA limits, the government doesn’t plan too far ahead.
This years TFSA contribution limit for 2020 is $6,000. The lifetime limit for 2020 is $69,500. If you’ve deposited some money over the years, just subtract that number from your total lifetime limit to arrive at your maximum contribution. If you've made any withdrawals from your TFSA you can recontribute them the year after you made the withdrawal. As soon as the CRA sets a new limit, they’ll update their contribution limits page . TFSA rules (withdrawals and over contributions)
Pretty much any rule query you could imagine will be answered on the TFSA Rules You Need To Know page, but here are two
Basic Things To Remember:
Don’t over-contribute; if you do you’ll be assessed a 1% penalty on the excess contribution every month until it’s withdrawn.
Understand TFSA contribution rules; if you hope to replace money you withdraw from your TFSA, you’ll have to wait until the year following your withdrawal to earn that contribution room back.
Annual Limit: $69,500 each year (begining at age 18) + Previous Contribution Room + Previous year withdrawals
For 2020, total contribution room since 2009 is $69,500
Contribution Period: January 1 to December 31 each year.
Contributions above the overall contribution limit is subject to a 1% / month penalty (refer to CRA website)
A client's contribution room can be found in their Notice of Assessment, CRA My
Account(online), Notice of Reassessment, and T1028
In-kind contributions: captial gains must be declared, capital losses cannot be
claimed. Current market value is used to calculate contribution amount.
Benefits At A Glance
Investments inside a TFSA are tax sheltered
Contributions are after-tax (no deducation)
Withdrawals are tax-free(no withholding)
There is no spousal TFSA
There is no income attribution
A TFSA may have a successor holder (spouse) or a named beneficiary

Health And Dental Plan
Now, you and your family can have access to the Health and Dental protection you need. The Health and Dental Plan is specially designed for those who are not covered by a group plan. If you aren’t covered by a group health and dental insurance plan, then you know how quickly medical bills can add up. Prescription drugs, dental checkups, massage or physiotherapy, new eyeglasses – the list of possible expenses goes on and the annual expenses can easily add up to thousands of dollars. Government Health Insurance plan does not include many health care expenses in Canada such as eyewear, prescription drugs, dental services, and registered specialists and therapists. These expenses are very difficult to manage if you do not have an employee group plan. On top of that, if any serious illness occurs, then that can put an additional toll on your financial health. This insurance plan can help to cover these costs without putting any stress on you. Like any other insurance plans, Individual Health Care Insurance not only gives you peace of mind but also provides a safety net for potential financial losses. It also makes easier the burden of day to day medical and dental expenses.

Term Insurance
Term Insurance is the low-cost, temporary insurance protection. It is generally used to meet a temporary need (example - mortgage protection) or a need for a large amount of insurance at the lowest possible initial price. Important things to consider when buying term life insurance: The renewal period. If it's possible that you will need your coverage after the first renewal period (after 20 years for 20-year term or after ten years for ten-year term), be sure to compare both the initial premium and the renewal premium and confirm whether the renewal rates are guaranteed at the quoted level. What would happen if your health deteriorated since you purchased your insurance and you still need life insurance - are you locked into high renewal rates?

Disability Insurance
Your entire lifestyle is protected by your income. The chance of becoming disabled due to injury or illness during your working years is very high. Disability Insurance offers you a simple, affordable way to provide an income. Disability is more financial disastrous than an accident. If you are disabled, you might not be able to work, resulting in no or less income. The living expenses increase, With endless medical bills for treatment, hospital expenses and more related cost. This is where disability insurance comes handy. This insurance can replace for your lost job. It provides a tax-free monthly benefit to those who suffer a debilitating injury or accident,, disability insurance can help by replacing a portion of your income over the short or long term.
Disability Or Income Protection Insurance
If you fall sick or face an accident which prevents you from continuing with your profession or occupation, a Disability or income Protection Insurance provides a monthly payment you can live off. Also, the insurance company can never cancel the policy as it comes with guaranteed renewal. Such a policy offers benefits which grant you a leverage for what you’re paying. But always choose your policy carefully; I being a insurance advisor can help you in choosing the Best Disability Insurance.

Critical Illness
Critical Illness Insurance Canada is designed to provide assistance to an insured who has been diagnosed with one of a predetermined number of critical illnesses and in some cases survived 30 days This kind of policy covers many different kinds of illnesses and medical conditions that can affect anyone out of the blue. Cardiac issues are one of the most common types of problems that Critical Care Insurances provide coverage for. A policyholder always has money secured for problems like heart attacks or any type of surgeries related to cardiac issues. It also provides coverage for problems like a tumour, stroke, blindness, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s diseases and life-threatening burns. But the benefits do not just end there. A critical illness insurance in Brampton policy also provides coverage for diseases like Cancer, HIV/AIDS, paralysis and also transplants. Furthermore, a policyholder always has the right to receive the lump sum payment regardless of having any other medical policy
Protection Through Critical Care Insurance – Health Care Insurance
In Critical Care Insurance, Funds Are Given Directly To The Insured. These Funds Are Utilized By The Patient As It Suits Him. These Expenses Can Be Direct Like Medical Bills Or Some Extra Expenses Like Traveling, Food Or Utilities. Critical Care Insurance Ideally Provides Flexible Alternatives To Permit The Customer To Select A Desired And Suitable Plan For His Financial Situation. Basically, A Consumer Pays A Lower Premium If He Is Younger And Healthier. Thus, The Cost Differs Depending On The Age, Medical Situation, The Coverage Amount, The Different Illnesses Covered In The Policy.

Mortgage Insurance
Mortgage Insurance is that insurance in which you can cover your mortgage in the major event of your death. Mortgage life insurance, also known as mortgage insurance or creditor insurance, is offered by most banks and lending institutions. It is a life insurance policy that pays the balance of your mortgage to the lending institution if a person listed on the mortgage passes away.if you were to become critically ill, suffer an accident or die the financial burden of paying for the mortgage falls on the family members. Would your family be able to keep making the mortgage payments? Would they have to sell your home? You can protect your family home with Mortgage Life Insurance, a flexible, low-cost way to protect one of your largest outstanding financial obligations. Your Personal Insurance remains intact even if you switch lenders BANK MORTGAGE INSURANCE when you switch.
The coverage is not transferrable. This means that the insurance is tied to a specific mortgage. With an individual policy, the insured can keep their coverage if they move homes, switch banks, or eventually pay off their mortgage.
The plan ends as soon as one spouse passes away. An individual policy can be set up as a joint policy, meaning a joint or multi-life policy, which allows the beneficiary to receive a double benefit in the event that both spouses pass away.
The coverage is not convertible. A mortgage life insurance policy is not convertible to a permanent policy, but an individual term life policy is convertible to a permanent plan without a medical. This allows the insured, who may have developed some health issues over the life of the policy, to convert to a permanent level rate plan without any health questions or without any medical tests.
When purchasing your new home, take the time to shop and compare lowest quotes for life insurance. Compare the cost of a term life insurance policy to a mortgage insurance policy. Chances are you'll find a term life insurance policy will have lower yearly premiums and offer more coverage and flexibility than a mortgage insurance policy. We at Punjab Insurance Inc. Offer and assure lowest quotes on term life insurance and mortgage insurance.
To know more about mortgage insurance plans call me Today